Monday, February 26, 2007


Well, the wound seems to be healing well, but the weather seems to be fairing poorly. Should be almost fully healed (in climbing condition) for this weekend.

Hopefully there will be a break in the weather for fri/sat and I can make a trip to Stinson Beach or somewhere nearby.

Tuesday, February 20, 2007


Well, the Dr. took a look at my wound yesterday and bandaged me up a bit better..

but his initial reaction said it all, I definatley needed stitches. He said that it looks pretty good, not infected or anything, but keeping the wound clean and dry and closed is the best and will help it heal much faster. So he used some butter-fly type thing to keep the wound closed so it will heal in a few weeks rather then a few months ;)

I think i'm going to need and take off a week or so from climbing, the better I let it heal, the faster it will heal :(

Sunday, February 18, 2007

The Jungle Gym

Well, I headed up to the valley on friday untill saturday with the dogs.

But my trip got cut short and I headed back home friday night.

I went to explore this new area that I had seen last year and wondered if there was potential. I got there and looked around and found a cool arete that I wanted to do. I setup my stuff and then wandered around with the dogs to see what else lie around. There is much potential for problems, but not much steep stuff I saw as of yet, maybe some stuff up the hill a little bit.

I figured I would call this little area 'The Jungle Gym' because it is decently wooded, damp and there is a lot of lichen/moss around.. a little jungle in the yosemite valley.

Soo, onto what cut (literally) my trip short. I was walking back to my spot, when I slipped on something and put my hand down to catch myself.. on a razor sharp edge of a rock ! It cut my palm pretty deep and took a little while to stop the bleeding, but I figured I should just head back home and take care of my wound. I wasn't feeling too well to start the trip out, Laura has just broken up with me, so that is really hard. We had been together for almost two years now, and I hope that she will reconsider our breakup after she has had some time to herself that she so badly needs.

Tuesday, February 13, 2007 Article on Bouldering

Found this article on . Always good to see what others think of our climbing and impact :)

Sunday, February 04, 2007

Yosemite Bouldering

(Root Canal ***v7)

Made a trip up to the valley on Friday with Scott, Monica and A-Dog :) had a sweet time !

First headed over to the Awahnee boulders, I got on a cool v2 named 'vague crack' and did this awesome unnamed traverse that went at like v3/v4 (the start to the Myles traverse). Monica got the traverse as well, it was really fun !!

We then headed over to Curry Village. I wanted to get on Root Canal(v7***), a sweet leaning corner/dihedral that has some cool moves, but maybe a little soft for the grade (the crux was pulling off the ground for me). We then wandered around and I put up this cool (v4?) overhanging arete that was also a lot of fun. I named it 'Tree Climbing' because you need to downclimb the tree to get off the boulder ;)

We then headed out of the valley and stopped by this awesome v6*** (Pop Top) near yos falls that had AWESOME moves on it, but no one got the problem. Our excuse... we were too tired ;)

A very very fun trip, hopefully I'll get some pic's to put up soon!