Thursday, March 22, 2007


it's been definatley over a month that I have climbed outdoors.. I cut my hand and that put me out for a bit, but then a few weeks ago, I got this huge lockup of some muscles in my back.. this was a major pain in the ass and they were locked up for good week.. laura was able to massage them back to a better state and I used some muscle relaxors (I hate those f'ing things, but I got some mild ones that the Dr. said would do some good to help unlock the muscle and have very little mental side effects.) to help as well.

So i've been out of the climbing scene for a bit, but I have been working with Paul on the new BetaBase site witch I am stoked on and it should be a really really cool resource for yosemite/tahoe boulderers.

hopefully I will be able to get out and climb.. and probably not this weekend (may try to get to mickeys/stinson or mortor this saturday) but the weekend after.. soon gadget.. sooon !!! hehe

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