Sunday, October 30, 2005


Slick Willy (v2)Campsite #21
Laura, J tree & a boulder
JBMF (v5r)
J tree sunset

Joshua tree is an awesome park witch begs for scrambling and solo'ing !

The rock is gritty and kicked my ass the first day there, leaving my tips and palms bloody.

Sunday, October 23, 2005

Yos Bouldering

The Hexcentric (v6)One Move Wonder (v8)Cocaine Corner (v5)

weekend trip to yos.. got on cocaine corner & one move wonder... soo close on both, but shutdown.

next day climbed with lyn and paul, we got on 'the hexentric' and i sent it after only a few tries, woot :) makes up for the shutdown..

scott got 'the king' on his second try (the first his foot slipped when starting) and another crazy jump start v9

Sunday, October 16, 2005

saddle boulders

went to the saddles, i got a few decent v4's.. the area has a lot of potential.. scott almost got 'midnight train' , a sweet v7.

we went to the snowshed boulders and found a sweet v5? rail that was a lot of fun.

Sunday, October 02, 2005


'the slope' next to ishmael boulder (v4?)
Evil Arete (v5/6)
'unknown' Sugar Cube (v5)
'unknown' Sugar Cube (v3)
ahhh, rest...

Rainbow has some awesome bouldering !!!

Checkout the 1070 boulders, the sugar cube boulder(just next to the 1070 house) is home to some awesome problems.

Saturday, October 01, 2005

secrets & bliss

bouldering crueunknown (v3?)
'Oh Yah', night bouldering

went to the secrets with liane, scott got clandestino (v7).. i was still injured so i layed low, but got on a few good repeats at the secrets and this sweet problem at bliss..